
An internet of things (IoT) equipment rental service for users to easily borrow high-end equipment in parks, apartments, offices and more. 


Technical Product Manager

Worked directly with CTO of Equipped and led a multi-functional team to take this project from ideation to launch. I worked closely with the technical founder of Equipped, I held bi-weekly calls to debrief the latest updates and collaborated on debugging. In an Agile development framework, I led our team of designers and web engineers through weekly sprints.


  • From ideation to launch in 3 months

  • Expanded to 6 locations in a year

  • Accrued 200+ users in two months


Equipped is an IoT equipment rental service venture backed by Pear VC and Dorm Room Fund. With a seamless web application, Equipped’s customers can scan the locker’s QR code, get an instant OTP on their phone, and immediately start their equipment rental in a few clicks.

CASE STUDY 1 - Reduce Drop off Rates


Three months into launch, Equipped has over 12,000 unique visits but has a 57% drop off rates. I wanted to see how we can improve first-time users’ conversion so I invited a few people, who have never used Equipped before, to go through the funnel. With available site analytics and small user research group, I was able to pinpoint visitor pain points, such as confusion with rental process and over focus on price instead of value. I came up with three goals with six total actionable changes for the site.


After a few months of implementation, we saw an improvement to the drop off rates by 5%. Furthermore, users are now advancing further into the funnel than they did before.


Goal 1: Reduce the number of clicks on a user’s journey to conversion

  • System has returning customers’ last-used card selected by default

  • Take users to next page after they’ve entered the correct OTP; no extra clicks required

Goal 2: Redesign locker and checkout pages to emphasize value

  • Reverse pricing and description labels & update font styling on the locker page

  • Emphasize wording for grace period to highlight value of free trial

Goal 3: Increase clarity of rental process

  • Improve progress bar to help users identify when paid rental period begins

  • Accentuate call to action on product page, such as “Select the item below you want to rent” or “Tap any item below to get started”

CASE STUDY 2 - Monthly Subscription


Equipped looks to add a monthly subscription option for users at a rate of $9/month, unlimited number of rentals for three hours each. Equipped team consulted us to identify how to best integrate this new option into the funnel without lowering conversion.


Users found on-boarding to the monthly subscription easy to navigate and conversion rate has maintained since implementation.


The process of building this enhancement took a few steps:

  • Discussed terms of the subscription model with Equipped

  • Outlined the various pages that require changes

  • Created mockups for client and development team

CASE STUDY 3 - Promo Code


Equipped looks to add a monthly subscription option for users at a rate of $9/month, unlimited number of rentals for three hours each. Equipped team consulted us to identify how to best integrate this new option into the funnel without lowering conversion.


Equipped team members found the user interface easy to navigate and were quickly on-boarded to introduce this new offering to users.


The process of building this enhancement took a few steps:

  • Discussed terms of the subscription model with Equipped

  • Outlined the various pages that require changes

  • Created mockups for client and development team